
September 10, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

It has been 15 years since 9/11. When a tragedy of that magnitude occurs, we find that we have no real words. Instead, we find our voice in music, art and often photography. On this profound day, may I suggest the images in this article on Huffington Post:  Huffington Post.  To this day, I cannot look at the photo of the firefighters raising our flag without a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.

Now recently there has been debate about individuals who do not stand for our National Anthem. I have no problem with it; after all, freedom of speech is guaranteed by the constitution. In my opinion, calling out a problem with non-violent speech does not hurt our country. However, I will stand for our National Anthem so long as I am able. I will stand because other people no longer can. I will stand for those who battled and tried until they had nothing left. I will stand for women and men who run to help strangers, who stand in harm’s way in our defense, and for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may live free.


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